Former Nearmont Landfill

This area was farmland during the Spanish, Mexican, and Territorial periods, and was one of the locations used for borrow pits by the Tucson Pressed Brick Company which was located closer to the river. The city took advantage of the pits and operated Nearmont Landfill between 1960 and 1967. It is now being remediated by the city. The name comes from adjacent W Nearmont Dr. This 6.46 acre parcel is situated between the Caterpillar Headquarters and the historic Barrio sin Nombre neigborhood. This property fronts Cushing Street which is increasingly becoming an arterial traffic corridor connecting S Grande Ave and downtown for drivers wishing to bypass Congress Street. Althought it is only two lanes, Cushing traffic is expected to become much busier when Catepillar employees return and the vacant land on either side of Cushing are developed.

With the remediation of the landfill, it is a given that this land will be developed. About half of the site is zoned as R-2 and the other is I-1. BSN is advocating that COT R-2 property that borders Melwood and Cushing be converted into a pocket park in order to provide a buffer for the immediate neighborhood.

The city has not made public any plans that they have for the future use of their investment of remediating this parcel